Nic and I are very happy to announce we are having a little girl. We found out last Saturday at a place called Fetal Photo. I thought it was a little boy so we were a little taken back that it was a girl but we are super excited. Now I have one of both and we will keep trying for a boy on the next round. She measured right on her due date and we got to hear her little heartbeat. It was very cool. She was moving around all over the place. We don't have any names picked out yet but I will keep you all posted.
She moved in my belly today and it scared me. I still forget I'm pregnant sometimes and today was the first time I felt her move for sure. I feel flutters from time to time but this was a little more than a flutter.
I can't wait until Nic can feel her kick. He talks to my belly all the time, it's soo cute. I have a little belly now but it's nothing compared to what it will be. I still think people wonder if i'm just eating lots of donuts instead of actually being pregnant. This is the most awkward stage but it will be over soon. I'm so glad to be into my 2nd trimester. I feel SOOOO much better. I think Nic is pretty happy to have his wife back. I was so miserable those first few months, I wasn't very fun but now I'm back in action. :)
We have also put an offer in on a house in South Jordan. It's a fixer upper so we will be doing some renovations before we move in. We are very excited and hopefully all will go well with the closing and the rehab! We are very excited for the Holidays. I cannot believe Christmas is around the corner. We are flying to California for New Years Eve with my dad and step mom. I cannot wait. I miss my family so much and it will be good to see them. Anyway I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and New Year. I will get some ultrasound and belly pics up soon!