Hey Everybody,
It's been a while since I've written but I wanted to update everybody on life at the Arnold's. Nic and I went to our 2o week ultrasound today and got to see our little princess. (yes it's still a girl ) She is getting so big, it's unbelievable. The tech said everything looked good. It was neat to see all her little limbs and organs and such. She has the CUTEST profile. I think she has Nic's nose. She wasn't cooperating very well during the ultrasound but they managed to get the pictures they needed. She is kicking me ALL the time and moving all around. Nic still hasn't been able to feel her move yet, but I'm sure one of these days he will.
I've been having contractions for the last few weeks so I've put told to take it easy when they start. The Dr. prescribed me medication to slow them down if they get out of control. This happened to me with Dom at 30 weeks but 20 weeks is a bit soon for her to make her debut. The good news is, I didn't dilate with Dom and so far nothing is happening with her. So all is well with the bambina.
Dominik will be 4 in April and he never ceases to amaze me. He is definitely bullheaded but he can be the sweetest. The other morning he got in bed with me and started tickling my arm and looks at me and said "mommy, you are the best mommy in the whole world!" My heart just melted. He has been tough at school but we are working through it. His favorite game in the world is Candy Land. We play it at least 20 times a night. I think he is pretty excited to be a big brother. He will kiss my tummy and tell me he can hear her. It's so sweet.
We are in the process of trying to buy a home which is always stressful but hopefully it will all work out before the baby gets here. I can't wait to start putting together her nursery. I still can't believe I'm having a little girl. It's hard to imagine loving another child as much as you do your first but I know there is plenty of love to go around :)
Work is good for Nic and I we are both doing the same thing and are very grateful to have jobs in this economy. Anyway there is a little update on our family. I hope everyone is enjoying the new year.