Okay so I have officially been sick for over a week and it's the worst cold i have had in a very long time. But I'm happy to say I'm officially on the mend but unfortunately now Nic is getting sick. So now its my turn to take care of him.
He has been so good to me this week. Wednesday night he made me dinner, took care of Dom and just let me relax. It was so so sweet. Even little Dom wanted to help take care of Mommy. He would give me hugs and offer me water because he thought water made me feel better. I swear my son is the cutest darn thing ever. Then yesterday I had to leave for a bit and I came home and Nic had cleaned out my entire refrigerator. I'm pretty sure he is going out for boyfriend of the year! :)
We are also starting to potty train Dom and so we put him in his "big boy" Cars underwear and to no surprise he ended up forgetting to tell Nic he needed to go potty and peed his pants. Bless Nic's heart he was so awesome and got Dom and all cleaned up and bathed.
Dom has also started arguing with us about what he wants and doesn't want. He is literally making me late for work everyday because we go back and forth between him telling me he wants something and then when i give it to him he doesn't want it. It ends up being about a ten minute battle. So the new rule is whatever Dom says he wants the first time is what he gets. He is such a good boy but I think he has begun to understand he wants his Independence. I talked to his teacher today and she told me he is advanced for his age so he is starting 3 year old behaviors in addition to the already fun two year old one's. I still love the little stinker to death and no matter how much he frustrates me sometimes one hug and kiss and Mom's heart melts.
He is gone with Dad this weekend so we will miss him dearly. But that will just give me more time to nurse poor Nic back to health. So i'm trading in one baby for another! HA HA HA!!! I guess i can't complain since technically it's my fault Nic is sick! :( Anyway hope everyone is doing well!!!! Oooh some exciting news all 3 of us are goin to California in March to see my dad for 4 days. I am so excited. We get to go wine tasting and Nic will get to see some more of California. So until next time. Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
11 years ago
Hey girl! Im glad you started a blog. Looks like everything is going well. You seem really happy & you deserve it! Dom is such a cute little guy. Good luck with the potty training:)
Dang it girl! I hate that everyone gets so sick in the winter. And you have to love potty training huh? I think I was pretty much a case the whole time we were trying that fiasco. Anyways, I can't wait for Britney!!!
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