Lily Isabelle Arnold

Friday, November 20, 2009

Baby Bump 10 weeks 3 days

Well everyone the bump has finally made it's debut! It's usually a bit bigger at night when my belly is full! But there is definately a little bump now! :) We have a fetal doppler so we have heard the heartbeat a few times now. It's absolutely amazing. I could listen to it for hours. It's still hard to believe I have a little life inside me. It's starting to become more real as I start to show. We have our next appointment on Tuesday so it will be neat to see the baby and how much it has grown since our last ultrasound.

All is well here. Just gearing up for the holidays. Dom is doing great and he is 3 going on 10 he is certainly keeping us on our toes. He is quite the arguer in fact he may grow up to be a lawyer he is so good! lol. But all is all he is such a good boy and he is the light of my life. I'm a little nervous for 2 but i'm definately excited for this precious baby to get here. We can't wait to find out what we are having! We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for my amazing family.... my husband my son and my precious gift I'm carrying. I'll write after the ultraound :)

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